Preparing for Fall: Maintenance for Your Windows and Doors

Fall is quickly approaching, and amidst foliage trips and pumpkin carving competitions, home maintenance must top your list of things to do this season. As fall heralds cooler temperatures and unpredictable weather conditions, there’s no better time to ready your home than the present.

There are so many things to consider when ensuring your home is ready for the cooler temperatures. Of all this, though, perhaps the most important is making sure your windows and doors are fully functional. Here are some tips to help your windows in Gilbert, MN meet their lifespan despite the cold weather:

Get Them Clean and Sparkly

Remove stickers and any stubborn marks with a synthetic scraping tool. Steer clear of straight edge metal blades as these can damage the surface of the window. Use a squeegee when cleaning your Gilbert, MN windows. Start at the top and press firmly in a vertical motion. Dry the squeegee with each stroke. We recommend using coffee filters to avoid lint problems.

Install Fresh Weather Stripping

Drafty windows might be the effect of worn-out weather stripping, or lack thereof. Check for ragged weather stripping and replace them with new, more efficient ones. Better yet, replace your old, drafty windows with energy efficient replacement windows from Madison Products. If your windows are drafty or hard to open and close, as well as rattle or fog up in cold weather, it might be time to let them go.

Go for Energy-Efficient Replacements

Let Madison Products help you save money on your energy bills with replacement windows and doors made with high quality and energy efficient glass. This season, you’d do well to ready your home for cooler temperatures. Call Madison Products today at (218) 865-4577 to discuss your options for replacing your doors or windows.